Wednesday, June 4, 2008

the castro reflection

The castro district is consider the one of the communites of San Francisco. For me it was the first time i saw so many gay men and they were so comfortable. Everyone was so nice and seemed really happy. It seemed like the interviewers me and my group got were hella nice and were willing to be interviewed. i don't think that we got rejected once being out there.
In th castro distict, they have a lot of different food and clothes stores. At lunch i went to this pizza place. OMG!! they had the best pizza ever!!! At first when me and my group there i thought that we weren't gonna get any interviews because i thought that people were gonna be like most of the people in oakland.
There was this this one guy that me and my group interviewed at this store, he was sooooooo nice!!! i loved him!!! i can't explain wh but he was great! he was sooo fly.
Overrall i really liked the castro. i liked it because everybody was so nice and they weren't worried about anything and it just felt like a loving enviorment.

1 comment:

LaUrA said...

HEy!!!! i know every one was so comforatable with themselves it was koo!